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Herat province undertakes the Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey

Herat province undertakes the Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey

Press Release

Herat province undertakes the Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey

calendar_today 29 February 2016

Herat City - 29 February 2016 - Central Statistics Organization (CSO) of Afghanistan rolls out the Socio Demographic and Economic Survey to Herat Province. Herat is the 10th province where the survey is going to be conducted with the technical support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The launch to commence the survey took place in Herat province today February 29, 2016 with the presence of high level officials and delegations from CSO and UNFPA.

SDES is designed as a long term project and will be conducted in different provinces at different times. The survey will commence in a month in Herat Province and approximately 3000 people will be involved in conducting the survey. The support of the provincial government and the people of Herat Province is vital for the success of the survey. It is particularly important that the people of Herat Province actively participate in the survey and support the surveyors who will come to their houses to ask questions and fill out the survey forms.

"We all play an important role in the successful implementation of the SDES. I therefore call upon the political, religious and traditional leaders and the media fraternity to support the survey. Every household has even a more important role - ensuring that they are actively participating and providing the needed information. The information got from the survey will help planning for better services such as education, health care, water and employment, etc.," said, Dr. Wilfred Ochan, UNFPA Deputy Representative.

The survey involves different stages: mapping of the province, data collection, data entry and data analysis and final report writing and dissemination. The findings of the survey will provide up-to-date and accurate information on the number of households in the province, age and sex, distribution of household members, and information about education, health, employment and other socio-demographic and economic facts.

Progress of SDES

The socio-demographic survey is going to cover all provinces of Afghanistan by 2019. So far, Bamiyan, Ghor, Daikundi, Parwan, Kapisa, Kabul, Samangan, Takhar and Balkh have been covered by the survey.


