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RFQ: Printing of Acrylic Signboards/Plaques

RFQ: Printing of Acrylic Signboards/Plaques


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We hereby solicit your quotation for the supply of the item named below to UNFPA Kabul, Afghanistan:

Title: Printing of Acrylic Signboards/plaques

Ref: UNFPA/E-RFQ/AFG/2024/E-7

Deadline: 16 May 2024/ at 10:00 am

Acrylic Signboards/plaques with the following details: -Size: height 70cm, width: 50cm. -Material: PVC Acrylic 3/mm with two 6/mm layers each layer 3/mm with six pins -Inner or Printing material PVC Film with Lamination waterproof changeable. -The stickers for plaques should be magnetic materials, or aluminum cutter plates – waterproof and sun proof. -The text for stickers of the plaques will not be the same, each plaque will have a different name and details.


Please find attached for detials and submission of your quotations.