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1 February 2024
A midwife checking on a mother lying in bed after a childbirth

Skilled care at birth saves the day for mother traumatized by previous childbirth

Bamyan, Afghanistan – “I wish we had such a facility and a midwife during my first two deliveries. Maybe I wouldn’t have lost my babies.”

22 January 2024
Midwives looking at patients' record book.

Heeding the lifesaving wisdom of a mother

Kandahar, Afghanistan – If there is one important lifesaving lesson that 23-year-old Farida learned from her recent childbirth, it could only be the... Read more

26 December 2023
A woman in burqa with a baby talking to a midwife

MHTs: Changing the way women look at skilled care at childbirth

Nine-month pregnant Karima had experienced difficult deliveries in the past but seeking professional care for her fourth pregnancy still did not come... Read more

12 December 2023
Women and children sitting outside a clinic.

UNFPA: The world should not lose focus on Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan – Amid the raging conflicts across the world, we should not lose focus on Afghanistan where women and girls continue to acutely... Read more

15 November 2023
A midwife with a mother and newborn inside a tent being used as temporary recovery room at the maternity hospital in Herat City.

‘Hope arrived in the form of Rahna:’ The life-saving work of midwives after the Herat earthquakes

ZINDAJAN, Afghanistan – Early in the morning on 15 October 2023, 20-year-old Hanifa felt the contractions that signaled her baby was on its way.... Read more

31 October 2023
A woman in black burqa speaking to a midwife

Clinic ensures women deliver safely in IDP camp

Herat, Afghanistan – Thirty-year-old Shamila can now only recall displacement and the difficulties of not having immediate medical help as she takes... Read more

22 October 2023
Shamaiel is lying on the floor of the medical tent with her young daughter next to her and her husband watching over them.

UNFPA supports essential maternal health, psychosocial support after deadly earthquakes

HERAT, Afghanistan – “I thought that somebody was shaking me. And then the roof collapsed.” This is what 25-year-old Shamaiel from Naieb Rafi... Read more

30 September 2023
An Afghan midwife talking to a mother carrying a child.

Despite harsh poverty, farmer keeps his support to Family Health House

Helmand, Afghanistan – Haji Zaman Shah could not contain his excitement as he watched the Family Health House (FHH) being built on a family property... Read more

31 August 2023
Health workers attending to patients in Nimroz

Separated at the Iranian border, Afghan family reunites at birthing facility

When Shukria’s husband was arrested by Iranian police for crossing the border with Afghanistan without proper travel documents, she thought she had... Read more

24 August 2023
A midwife giving advice to Nasrin.

Family Health House saves the day for pregnant woman in distress

Daykundi, Afghanistan – Nasrin was smiling when she showed up at the Family Health House (FHH) for a postnatal check up. Her mood was in stark... Read more
