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Assessment of Services Provided to Victims of Gender-based Violence 2011

Assessment of Services Provided to Victims of Gender-based Violence 2011
Assessment of Services Provided to Victims of Gender-based Violence 2011


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Assessment of Services Provided to Victims of Gender-based Violence 2011

Publication date

01 January 2011

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The Assessment of Services Provided to Victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV) by State and Non-state Agencies in the Pilot Areas was commissioned by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Afghanistan as a part of the Gender Component of the 2010 - 2013 Country Program Action Plan of the Government of Afghanistan and UNFPA. The Assessment is a part of expert support provided by UNFPA to the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. The goal of the Assessment was to examine state and non-state agencies providing services for GBV victims on provincial, district and community levels in three pilot areas of Afghanistan (Bamyan and Nangarhar provinces and Kabul city).