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Communication campaign to engage Bamiyan in the Socio-demographic and Economic Survey

Communication campaign to engage Bamiyan in the Socio-demographic and Economic Survey


Communication campaign to engage Bamiyan in the Socio-demographic and Economic Survey

calendar_today 14 November 2011

A communications strategy was formed with the aim to ensure that the population of Bamyan was sufficiently informed of the SDES exercise in their area and to allow for access to enumerators supervisors and other CSO and UNFPA staff.

A TV and radio spot was produced and aired for six weeks, starting two weeks before the start of the enumeration on various local TV and radio stations in Bamyan.

Brochures were designed to provide basic information to the general public of Bamyan. Images were used to a large extent to explain the process of the enumeration and the subsequent use of the data. 150,000 brochures were disseminated to each of the enumerators to deliver to each and every household during enumeration.

In order to ensure that the most remote areas of Bamyan were receiving information about the SDES prior to the enumeration, Shura leaders and religious leaders from each district were provided with a two-day information session on the exercise. Another method used to reach remoter areas was mobile theatre. Two mobile theatre troupes were assigned to different remote villages in all districts of Bamyan. They performed a 30-minute skit which described the SDES process to the general public of Bamyan.

A workshop was conducted for 16 journalists in Bamyan to orientate them in the SDES. They were provided with information regarding the purpose and benefits of the SDES and suggestions for interesting ways to cover the activity.